Please ensure that you have a Webflow account to use this template. If not, you can visit this link to create a Webflow account.
Betafin has 17 ready-to-use page templates for you, as well as the default Webflow system templates such as Password Protected and 404 Error Page.
1. Select Navigation component from the navigator.
2. To change your Site logo by following screenshot
First, you have to select the icon which one you want to change
Please select the settings icon and then If the SVG icon is embedded directly in your HTML code,
locate the SVG element and replace its content with the code of the new icon
Select the Lottie File named as "Hero Call Icon". You can navigate it from navigator or directly select it by clicking on the White circle. After that click on the setting icon shown in the small red squire.
Click on the "Replace Lottie Sequence" button and select which Lottie file you want to use.
Click on the upload icon to upload a new Lottie file. Always use JSON Lottie files.
If you want to use the continuous Lottie animation the click on the loop checkbox.
Once you are finished customizing your template, you can publish your website. To publish your website:
Your website will now be live online!
To provide the best experience, ThemeLuck provides continuous support for all of our customers. If you’re facing any issue or if you’ve any query or a presale question please feel free to contact us via our support forum Our developer will help you all the way.
For further information, please visit Webflow University for in-depth tutorials.